
True Spooky Stories: Pompeii Artifacts Returned By Tourist Who Claimed ‘Curse’

Pompeii_Photo by Graham-H/Pixabay.com


If you dare take artifacts from Pompeii you might regret doing so. A Canadian woman named Nicole recently sent some pieces she took from the city 15 years ago to a travel agent in Pompeii, with a request that the items be returned to the park. She writes in the letter that she had experienced a string of bad luck since the theft that included two bouts with breast cancer. She wrote in part, “We are good people and I don’t want to pass this curse on to my family, my children, or myself anymore. Please forgive my careless act that I did years ago.” She sent along two mosaic tiles, parts of an amphora, and a piece of ceramic. A spokeswoman for the Archaeological Park of Pompeii says there have been about a hundred previous incidents of tourists sending Pompeii artifacts back to the city along with apologetic notes claiming the objects were cursed. The park has even created a museum to display the returned items and letters from apologetic tourists.

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